Monday, December 13, 2010

HOME (continued):

Among other things I wanted to give my folks something they would remember me by, something that money cannot buy, and what better way than art...OK, so it turns out you can buy art. Anyway, I made a twin painting of Ritual in my spare time, believe it or not. The big difference was this one had the Tree of Life upside down.

"I was never aware you were so involved into the supernatural, dear, " said Mother.

"Of course I was!" I said a bit upset. Don´t you remember about the time I went to the Black River?" I said while we sat down for an after dinner conversation.

"Oh yes, but then I thought you just sat down and played all afternoon. You see, my dear," as she referred to Edith, "my little Adrian was quite an adventurer, but then again he might have been a bit too curious. So one December morning he got out and took his backpack full of his favorite, what was it, ah! I think you were about six years old and then you told me that you had seen this rabbit in the frozen river, right?"

"I see! So that certainly explains a LOT of things, right sweetie?" said Edith somewhat sarcastic.

"Everything´s coming back to me now, yes, yes, I guess there are things then that stay with you forever..."

"Hmm, right, right. Well that´s exactly what he´s been doing these last few months. He´s practically obsessed  with rabbits, he even has a real one."

"A very sexy one, I must add, just like his owner.." I said.

"Is he always like that around you, Edith, can you really stand him?" said my dad joking.

"I think he´s spoiled right now. It certainly has been a very introspective year for both of us. But, especially for me, and I´d like to thank you guys for being so great with me because again, this place feels so becoming, just like, like..."

"Like me?" I asked innocently.



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