Friday, September 17, 2010


I´ve never been fond of having pets; my mother had this strange belief that they would bring me allergies or something. No big deal, even when I had the chance they lived so little. One time I had this gorgeous Siamese cat with big blue eyes and smooth fur like the color of sand. She was a very tough one; even the dogs in the neighborhood were afraid of her. Nah, but she got kind of slutty as the years went by not to mention very spoiled. So one tragic day Mother threw her away with all her litter. She broke my heart after that and stopped talking to her for weeks.

Rabbits are different; they´re so much easier to handle, they´re incredibly quiet but at the same time incredibly sensitive. Have you ever heard these critters squeal? It´s fucking awful. They´re very notable at hiding; Scraps keeps looking out for new and interesting places. When I find him under the bed I know he won´t go there twice, he remembers that place is no longer safe. Other than that, he just lays his cute butt at my desk watching me work.

Now I took the time for some Q&A from my page as the morning went on and the rain finally decided to shut up.

How old are you Adrian, if you don´t mind me asking… says a fourteen year old from a random town in Illinois.

“Well, in reality I´m 29, do you realize you're half my age? Don´t give me naughty ideas.”

What are your biggest influences? asks Kevin.

“I´m a child at heart, my man; I was always hooked on Surrealism, Fauvism and Expressionism. Mostly, Henri Matisse and Miró´s style caught my attention powerfully. I loved their organized chaos.”

Where are you living at now? Asked a fellow artist nick-named dirtyrabbit

“That´ll be privileged information; not even my girlfriend knows. I have to drug her every time she comes down here.” In reality, I have my rabbit hole in upper Soho, New York City.

Are you showing something soon? I really wish you could come to Australia, I´m a big fan, asked Kelly.

“Sure, my art is omnipresent; but come visit me anytime.”

What are your favorite techniques, asked misterabbit.

“Acrylic please, over anything I can possible lay my hands on; oils and pastels I reserve them for more dramatic effects. There was one time I drained my pens at school drawings holes and spirals in my notebooks. I could go all night.”

Can you make big money from being an artist? Asked Xxgr3aton3xX

“Sure, because America needs it to survive; art saves lots of minds so that´s why it´s well paid,” I answered laughing big time.

Can you post any picture to show me what you look like, asked Marie.

“Aww, that´s nice. But you see that would kind of upset my girlfriend.” As I looked at my ancient mirror I continued, “I´m sort of tall, terribly pale; I like to wear my hair sort of long but tidy. I have big round hazel brown eyes sometimes they do all the talking for me. A gaze says more than a thousand words, according to me. I have this sort of fetish of looking at my hands, sometimes I draw on them just for fun. I can´t tell you about my other excellent body parts until you´re old enough.”

Scraps stretched out and slightly opened up his mouth. For a minute there he reminded me of my Siamese cat, but this guy was softer and cuddlier and after a while quite disturbing. I wonder if rabbits dream like we do.

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