Friday, January 7, 2011


How disgustingly boring this moving process is, now the streets are clogged with snow, that will surely speed things up, sarcasm intended.

I think I´m finally beginning to understand why people want to connect with each other to feel better. It goes way beyond sympathy or empathy, it´s like saying, "I feel your pain." I was just peeking at Edith´s work and she found something about mirror neurons. I didn´t read much but according to this it could help explain why people imitate certain behaviors in the learning process. She´s continuing this theory by suggesting that it is possible for other persons to feel physical pain by literally imitating the other person in question. I heard a long time ago when my dad was little he and his brother got sick at the same time and each one could easily describe exactly the same symptoms but in the end only one of them was truly ill.

I talk about this BECAUSE someone keeps posting me saying that "I feel what you feel", how the Hell they know what I´m going through? This claims he got pneumonia almost the same time I did but then it turns out it wasn´t true, he just panicked because I stopped posting for a while he actually thought the worst could happen. I´d like to think the same effect is achieved while watching my paintings but it doesn´t quite work like that, you see the other person must have something in common with me. Droogie´s an artist, so is Alice and that other singer girl; they´re egotistical and pretentious like me, sorry, but yes and the way they interact with me is much more stronger.

But that girl Lindsay, she has gotten farther than all of my so-called followers, does she have any of my paintings by any chance? I hardly think so, but she might be paying an awful lot of attention to what I´m trying to say, she better not play with fire or she will get burned, because everything you do bounces back, just like Mr. Scraps right here.

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