Saturday, April 16, 2011


"I noticed that there is a recurring dream nowadays and I was wondering if you could please help me out interpreting it," I said while shared the rest of the night with Edith in a peculiar artsy bar located on 22nd St. Since the place had a strange vibe of odd and old fashioned at the same time it felt so surreal that it was perfect to be more introspective about nonsensical dreams.

"Go ahead, be my guest!" answered Edith effusively.

"Well it starts of like this; I was asked to do an interview for a magazine by this particular woman. She was quite tall and had this sort of old fashioned hairdo, very 70s like..."

"Wow..." she said sounding truly engaged.

"So then I was to meet her somewhere like a museum, there was another friend by her side. Instead she took me to a movie theater, and we went into one cinema but I noticed that it had a hole in the all which led to another room, like a secret one..."


"And then as I entered it felt so familiar that it reminded me of  something that scared and my immediate reaction was to cover my eyes like when you´re little and you got to see a scary movie for the first time. And then the tall woman said, "It´s alright, there´s nothing to be afraid of, you just have to change the way you look at things, start over. Now what do you think that means."

Edith gave a deep sigh and took a sip of white wine, " It´s not so much about what it means, it´s more like digging up a repressed memory or a part of your life and the way that you remember it is that it was basically scary..."

"Let me guess, the knowledge of the supernatural?" I said with a little sarcasm.

"Yes, but it´s more like meeting an old friend and you piled it up or boxed it somewhere because it made you feel embarrassed or humiliated, and it´s nothing to be ashamed of. You see, admitting your sexuality´s been good, that you have a strong imagination is good to, but there´s still something else you need to successfully embrace in order to feel better."

"I see...why doesn´t any of these things surprise me anymore?"

"Because you´re becoming more familiarized with them, it´s an internal battle, sweetie, you have to love yourself each and every day of the week," she said as she pointed to my chest, "don´t you forget that."

Loving myself meant reconciling with every other part of me, such as The White Rabbit. Maybe he WAS my dark side but I refused to let him out because he was uncontrollable sometimes...yet he was never evil. I drove him into the darkness to make him look like a major shame. The major fear was that if I´d trade places with him Edith would suffer as well.

I remember vaguely at school a slide about a Mexican painter called The Two Fridas. In a way it was a tribute to her other self. There was the woman who was chained to a ladies man and the other was her imaginary friend, all dressed in white.

I never thought a woman painter could be so intense and passionate enough but at the same time she went through an incredible deal of pain. Maybe I should paint my other self,whether I liked it or not, black and white rabbit binded for life, how simple.

"You´re right, Edith, you did it once again."

"Did what?"

"Now that all my paintings have been sold I feel like this is the beginning of a path I´ll have to walk through..."

"You sound so serious, is something the matter, this should be a good sign, right?"

"Yes...someone said to me not so long ago that a rabbit would never hurt me, what I´m concerned about is if it might hurt others."

"Don´t be ridiculous, how bad can it be?"

"Well, then I guess it all depends on me; it´s up to me to find out who´s the villain and who´s the hero in this huge theater."

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