Monday, September 20, 2010


For the fiftieth goddamn time; I don't do heavy drugs, I find a strange, soothing, mind-blowing sensation in drinking but still that doesn´t justify the homoerotic nature of my dream last night.

And um, where do I begin; I'm not ashamed to tell this, I'm just trying to figure out why in all the possible hells did this happen to me.

I noticed a long time ago a strange pattern about the supernatural and it became evident whenever I slept in really old houses I fell under the impression that I saw ghosts in my sleep. My folks took to this cabin up North to visit my aunt and uncle; I must have been around ten years old. Besides the uncomfortable feeling of freezing to death it was the first time being there, and I can still remember the intoxicating aroma of pine cones.

So in my dream I went downstairs to the kitchen to get a drink of water or something when I noticed a rather peculiar bunch of kids hanging around. They were all me, but at different ages. One of them was wearing a sort of Halloween costume, like a wizard. Apparently he was the leader and they threatened to kidnap me. Now that I think of it this scene reminded me very much of that cutesy sequence of Kidnap the Sandy Claws, but I was no big jolly fat man.

And just yesterday I saw my alter ego in the wizard costume. So the real me, because I looked very much like now sat in this raspy wicker chair and I was completely still. The other me slowly began to unbotton my shirt until I was half naked. No, I´m not laughing; I was beginning to enjoy this. He even took the liberty of touching my face, especially my ears and nose for a while. And afterwards he inevitably stuck his hand down my pants.

At that same moment I jumped out of bed at about six in the morning feeling slightly aroused...I had to do something about it so I leaned back and continued what the other me had started, and I finished it quite well.

This didn´t seem like those wet dreams one had in their high school years. So as soon as I got up I grabbed my laptop and attempted to analyze this shit as best as I could...Oh, it turns out that in a way I was embracing a part of me that apparently I feared for so long. That makes sense, it could have been a consequence of the last thing I did before leaving the house yesterday. God, I missed Edith, luckily she was gonna be back tomorrow.

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